Argyle Park : OPEN
The Ashburton Domain : OPEN
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Mid Canterbury Utd
Football Club



9 - 14 years old
Super League (9-10 yrs)Champions League (11-12 yrs)
Premier League (13 yrs+)


12 - 18 years old
12th Grade - Jnr Devilz
13th Grade - Wolves
14th Grade - Berzerkers
2023 - 2nd Place
15th Grade - Red Devilz
2023 League Champions
17th Grade - Mavericks
2023 League Champions

Senior Women

16 years +
Senior Women's - SL

Senior Men

16 years +
Senior Men's Blue - Div 1
2023 League Champions
Senior Men's Red - Div 2
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2025 Winter Football 
Expressions of Interest

For youth and senior travelling teams

The purpose of this form is to help us organise players into teams. It is not the official registration form. The registration form will be available once teams have been confirmed.

Player Information

Date of Birth*
Preferred Team for 2025*

Contact Information

Are you available to help with any of these team or club roles?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Click on the questions below to reveal the answer.
Q. I didn't play for Mid Canterbury last year. How do I answer the "Which team did you play for in 2024?" question?
A. No trouble at all, please enter as much detail as possible about the last team you played for (e.g club, team name, grade & division). 
If you have never played Football before, please enter 'Never Played'
Q. How often does a travelling team play away in Christchurch?
A. On average, travelling teams play in Christchurch every 2nd weekend.
Q. Can I request my child is added to a particular team?
A. Yes you can and we will do our best to accomodate all requests but we can not absolutely guarantee it. It all depends on the numbers we get for each team.

Still have questions?

Please get in touch with us via our Contact page or add your questions to the 'Notes or Comments' field of this form.

What happens now?

  1. Once the Expressions of Interest / Online Muster has closed, we will look over all lists and divide players into teams.

  2. Coaches will then contact the players on their list and organise team training sessions.

  3. After a couple of weeks of training (or during March), players will be asked to complete the official registration form for the 2025 winter season. Player Fees must be paid before the season starts.

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All prices displayed in $NZD.